Supervisors: Professor Rui Rosa, MARE-University of Lisbon and Doctor Henk-Jan Hoving,Geomar-Kiel.
Bioinformatic pipeline design and advising (Metagenomic analysis); Scripting for statistical analysis; Management of hardware and software resources, including network and server administration; Social-media management (homepage [TYPO3 backend], Social-media networks [video and image editing]). University of Vienna, Department of Limnology and Bio-Oceanography
Thesis entitled “Microbial structure and nitrite reducing communities across the Atlantic Ocean” (17/20). Supervisors: Professor Gerhard Herndl, University of Wien and Professor Octávio Paulo, University of Lisbon. Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon.
Visit the Seabirds nests for ring control (and ringing), handling, biometric data and geolocator recovery from Calonectris diomedea and Bulweria bulwerii, nests censuses for monitoring population trends (Calonectris diomedea).
in the assistance of the Forest Rangers in monitoring and surveying, maintenance of the local biodiversity and registering local fauna and flora for research purposes.
Thesis entitled “Cephalopod Fauna in the Southern Ocean using the diet of wandering albatrosses Diomedea exulans : a stable isotopes approach” (19/20). Supervisors: Professor José Carlos Caetano Xavier, Institute of Marine Research (IMAR) and Professor Rui Rosa, MARE-University of Lisbon. Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon.
Undergraduate degree of Environmental Biology, with a focus on Marine Biology. Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon.
Antarctic educational cruise on board of the MV “Ushuaia” on the Scotia Sea and Antarctic Peninsula (2 weeks: December 2007-January 2008), as part of the International Polar Year educational program.